Martin McCurdy, True's newest Security Analyst (and former intern), was recently announced as being selected to the All Oklahoma/All USA Academic Team and recognized during a ceremony at the State Capital in Oklahoma City.
"The awards ceremony was empowering. This was my first time in the Capitol building and being surrounded by all the marble and artwork exceeded my expectations," said McCurdy, who was also presented with a Citation of Recognition by State Sen. Roger Thompson. "It was inspiring to engage with other All Oklahoma/All USA Academic Team members and sharing our experiences in receiving this award."
According to the article, McCurdy was selected because of his grade point average of at least 3.5 and provided examples on how he demonstrated his leadership skills in the classroom, on campus and in the community.
"This is a great honor bestowed on one of our newest employees, and we are very proud of his effort in striving for excellence in all that he does. Martin is a very bright young man," said Jerald Dawkins, CEO of True Digital Security.
Click here to access the full article from OSU Institute of Technology.