The ISSA Oklahoma Chapter has invited current ISSA members and newly enrolled members to join them as they watch the Drillers play the Springfield Cardinals at ONEOK Field on the evening of Tuesday, July 29th. This event is being Sponsored by none other than True Digital Security of Tulsa!
A suite has been reserved to watch the game and provide an opportunity for networking. All interested current and new members who RSVP in advance will receive a free suite ticket that includes dinner and non-alcoholic beverages. (A bar is available on the suite level.) All other guests are welcome at a discounted price as space permits.
You must RSVP by July 22 to to reserve your spot and receive ticket pick up instructions. You may also submit any questions about the event to this email address.
The suite opens at 6:30 PM, with the national anthem and first pitch scheduled at 7:05 PM.
For more information about ISSA:
ISSA Oklahoma Chapter Website
ISSA Website